The choice of a suitable injection moulding machine is often made from the catalogue in the drawer. We understand that in the first moment this choice seems to be "good", but it holds longer-term pitfalls.
The manufacturers and developers of our beloved injection moulding machines bring new machines, modifications and IT enhancements onto the market every year. Since you can't see the wood for the trees, it makes sense to commission someone to do the job.
As service providers like us are confronted with the rapid development of the various markets on a daily basis, we are able to point out fast, suitable and, above all, neutral options with certainty.
For one client, we were able to incorporate this advantage into the following work packages:
Forecast annual planning for at least 3 years
Production planning (software selection)
Analysis of his product portfolio
Clarify questions about tool-specific designs
Formulate evaluation of resource efficiency
Design evaluation of a suitable system
Draw up a specification sheet
Supplier evaluation incl. assessment
Our reports serve as a basis for the client's decision-making. In this project, we drew up a list of requirements for the specifications, used market research to identify alternatives and further potential, and a detailed design so that expensive retrofits could be avoided.
